A revised RMRC scheme has been launched from the 4th February RMRC Call
The revised scheme is focused in the early translational space, funding preliminary work or feasibility studies to establish the viability of an approach, thereby bridging a perceived funding gap in taking discovery science into preclinical research and ultimately through to human application.
The scheme will be flexible and responsive, offering potential support for a variety of opportunities to de-risk critical steps towards human application. Applicants will need to identify the key evidence needed to unlock progress, using smaller and shorter focussed proposals to bring projects to a state of maturity necessary to leverage larger scale translational investment.
The expectation is to fund about 10 awards each year, of 1-2 years duration, within a scheme budget of £2m pa.
For further details please see http://www.mrc.ac.uk/funding/browse/biomedical-catalyst-regenerative-medicine-research-committee/
Support for mature regenerative medicine proposals where more substantive funding is required to deliver a project with a clear pathway to product or clinical development will now be available through the sister programme to the RMRC, The Biomedical Catalyst: Developmental Pathway Funding Scheme (DPFS)