Since the Platform was founded in 2013, significant advances have been made in the field of regenerative medicine – with the underpinning science continuing to progress rapidly. As we move toward the future with a renewed focus and funding commitment, our mission is to continue to facilitate leading-edge research, and ensure it translates into clinically and commercially viable application.
The brightest scientific minds from across the UK
The Platform is comprised of three interdisciplinary and complementary research Hubs, which draw together the major players in regenerative medicine from across the country. Each Hub has its own broad but distinctive focus, dedicated research team and connections to commercial and clinical end-users. Collectively, they provide a central source of expertise and knowledge – generating new tools, protocols and resources that can be utilised by other research groups in both academia and industry.
Find details of the regulation and governance of human stem cell research in the UK
Read and download the latest reports and papers published by experts in the field
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